Did you know that now you can change your own username all you want? This is of course as long as someone else hasn't already taken the name you want.
Lets get started. First you will need to login by clicking the login button at the top of the screen.
Login Button in Header
Once you are logged into the site your main navigation menu will change and you will then see "My Account" located next to the "Support" menu item. Click "My Account"
My Account Link
Now you are on your user page. Here you can do many things with your account. We are going to focus on editing your account. Click the Edit tab in your account.
User Account Page
You will now be on the page where you can edit your information to include your Username, email address, change password, and update your address. To change the username or your email address you will have to supply your current password as confirmation. You will see at the top of the page a field with your current username. To change it, erase the current username and supply a new one. Enter your current password then scroll to the bottom of the whole page and click the "Save" button. The site will let you know whether or not the username is taken.
Username and Email Address Change Fields
On this same page you can also change your password as well. To change the password use the two password fields below the fields shown above. You will have to enter your password the same in both fields for it to accept. While you type you will get indications on the strength of your password and also a "Yes" or "No" on if the two passwords match. You must also supply your current password as a security measure to change your password. Then again scroll to the bottom of the page to save your account.
Password Change Fields with Indicators and Suggestions
You also change your avatar on this same page. Your avatar can be uploaded to your account using the avatar section of the page. Avatars must conform to the settings listed on the page of no more than 120x120 pixels in size. Click "Choose" to browser your computer to upload an avatar. Click save at the bottom of the screen when you are done to save your changes.
Change Your Avatar
Lastly you can also update your address on this page as well. SwingSurgeon.com only uses your address for internal purposes. We use your postal code and country to notify you of events that are in your area suchs as tournaments and golf schools. If you want to get these types of communications from us please make sure your address is corrrect here.
User Address Fields
Once you are done. Make sure you click save at the bottom of the page to not loose your changes.